Are you buying tools you already have sitting on the shelf?

ShareMyToolbox helps you utilize your investment in small tools through organization, visibility, and accountability.

We believe in a system that's simple, affordable, and scaleable. What's to lose to check us out (except maybe a few more tools somewhere)?


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One Database. All Your Devices.

ShareMyToolbox works seamlessly in real-time across your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Android devices.


Mobile Field Workers Love this App

ShareMyToolbox is the #1 Rated App for Small Tool Tracking.


3 Steps to Get Started



It doesn’t need to be complicated.
Begin tracking tools and equipment easily:

1. Build your tool list in the web portal so that you have a complete asset inventory. A single user can do this and assign all tools to “virtual” connections & locations. This operates like a simple single user check in/out system.
2. Once you have an organized inventory list you can begin adding field users and assigning them tools. Field users can begin searching for tools and see a list of what is assigned to them. Add Foreman, Superintendents, Technicians or anyone who needs to keep track of tools in the field.
3. Lastly, just require field employees to “accept” the tools assigned to them. Once this is implemented, field users can now use the app to search and transfer tools from the warehouse or other employees. An in & out “acceptance” tap on the app keeps responsibility assigned and every asset tracked.

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Thanks for your interest in ShareMyToolbox. Get more information about our product and helpful emails on tool tracking.