Audits Search and Filter

Audits allow an Admin to verify the condition and presence of Items in the field by sending a request. This article will review how to search for Audits in ShareMyToolbox.


ℹ️ Audits is an upgraded feature available for Business and Enterprise Customers. 

See Plans


In this article:

Search and Filter

View, Delete, and Export

Search and Filter

Audits can be located using the Search and or Filter options in the Audit menu. 


  • Click on the Audits menu in the sidebar
  • To search by Item that was included in the Audit, use the Search bar
  • You can narrow the search at any point by clicking the Filters button


    • Filter the list of Audits by:
    • Date Range
    • Tool Records
          • Category
          • Manufacturer
    • Audit Records
        • Status
        • Connection
        • Location
        • Condition
        • Confirmation Type
        • Item Confirmation 
    • Click APPLY

    View, Delete, and Export


    • Click the Edit icon to view the Audit record
    • Click the Trash icon to delete the Audit record permanently 
    • Click the Excel icon to export that Audit to an Excel file

    View details on how to create, send and review Audits.